Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Marketing Channel Management

Marketing Channel

The company that come together to bring products and services from their point of origin to their point of consumption.

Transvection  Wroe Alderson (researcher and professor from usa in the 40s to 60s. He is the “father of distribution”, supply chain management, logistics etc.) includes a number of transactions.

Odd that transvection concept is not included, or Wroe Aldersons thoughts, in the book.

Transformation of resources

An insightful comment:
“From meaningless heterogeneity to meaningful heterogeneity through transient intermitted stages of homogeneity”

Heterogeneity means manifold, diversity, multiplicity, (mangfold)

Point of origin – utgangspunkt

Intermittendt – something in the middle (Something that is intermittent happens occasionally rather than continuously)

The point of origin is the raw material (e.g. oil. – meaningless for the consumer, or even the gas station)

Point of consumption – the product must be meaningful for the consumer.

Resources are put into processes to create something meaningful. We need a lot of stages in between, some transient intermitted stages of homogeneity. That means simplification, specialise to create gasoline, specify and simplify. It is to complicated for one entity to do the whole process.

A marketing question:
Segmentation: gather similar customer with similar need in categories, it should be differences between groups.

The Aldersons thoughts are in way segmentation, way before segmentation was a trend in academia. This is homogeneous categories. The business need to segment the market because its to complex and to messy to serve the whole market at once. This is done to reduce complexity. Reduce it by segmentation. This is done by applying certain tools (Kotlet, etc.) Reality isn’t that easy, of course.

Two kind of manufactures:
- branded goods (Sony, Mercedes etc)
- Private label manufactures

Intermediaries: (wholesale)
- Wholesalers/distributors
- manufactures representatives
- Agents
- Brokers

Department stores (Retail)
- Hypermarkets (giant supermarkets)
- Convenience stores
- Supermarkets
- Buying clubs
- Online retail

Specialized retail functions:
- Insurance
- Financial
- Credit card companies
- Logistics and shipping
- IT
- Marketing departments

End users
- business
- private household consumption

Product development – the use of the product is obviously very important. The developer have some kind of use in mind. There is no clear link between their thoughts and the actual use. People can use their product to what they want. Many examples of how end users use products in ways not anticipated.

Example: How sms-services started. Not one marketing manager, one research analyst had anticipated this. But it just exploded.

The output of the channel is a

Service output (two components)

 Product features
 Channel feature – the added features through the channels. Ancillary service

The service output is the output of the channel.

Penrose (1959): “The theory of the growth of the firm”
Topics are: Resources, resource heterogeneity and services.
She talks about products as composed out of resources and resource elements. Its not resources in it self, (not the gas in it self) that we pay for, but the services that the gas can give me. I don’t pay to put gaz in my tank, but to be able to use it, to power up my car, to drive somewhere. That’s the service, that is in it self heterogenic. Many ways to use gas. (boat, car, make fire, bombs, etc), creates different services. Gas is not heterogeneous in it self. But the usage in it self could be plentiful.

Remember that end users are a part of the channel. This is obviously very important to remember, because it makes it much more complicated. We need to know how the products are used.

There is an utility to have a product at a certain time at a certain time.

Think of to next time:
The assumptions in the book

The book describes several ways to design and implement marketing channels. They even talk about the right way of marketing channels.
Problem: what is right here? It is no right way to design a marketing channel. There is really no way to design marketing channels. You are not alone. Communication is important. It is left out in the model.


Monday, December 19, 2005

The Norwegian Heros

We will now start a series with pictures and descriptions about Norwegian Heros, people that we are proud of, and that will give us a lot of publicity in the big world!

First, we want to start with one of the true Norwegian heros, the big drinker of the red soda. When he drinks this magic red soda, he gets really strong and really hansom - as you can look at the picture, and he can fight the trolls and the other monsters. He is a true, Norwegian Hero, and he lives in a big castle in the mountains.

Eric the Viking!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Contingency theory

Maybe you wounder about the concept of Contingency Theory. Well, gather around the fireplace, kids, and Ill tell you!

Contingency theory is a leadership theory developed by Fred Fiedler.

Leaderships effectiveness depends on both the leaders personality and the situation. Certain leaders are effective in one situation but not in others.

That means that there is no "best way of leading"

There are 3 devices to determine leader personality and the situation:
1. Least Prefferred Coworker (LPC) Scale
2. Situational Favorableness
3. Leaders-Situation Match and Mismatch

Best Regards
Arnt van Norway!

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Come to Norway and enjoy our delicious food!

Smalahove (or smalehovud) is a Norwegian traditional dish, usually eaten around and before Christmas time, made from a sheep's head. The skin and fleece of the head is torched and the head is salted and dried. The head is boiled and served with mashed rutabaga and potatoes (Wikipedia 2005)

"Smalahove is a sheep-head. it is smoked, salted and fried. It tastes very good with potatoes and mashed turnips. The eyes are one of the best parts on the smalahove. "

"Smalahove is a Norwegian meal. It is smoked and boiled sheepheads. Not many people eat this in Norway, but some people have smalahoveparties and it seems to becoming more popular these days. Smalahove is eaten with potatoes and vegetables." (Norwegian food)

"Smalahove is the head of a sheep that is smoked for a couple of days and is served half. You eat all of it, incl. the sheep's eyes and tongue." (

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Hype for Norwegian Skype technology

- The Norwegian company GIPS has multiplied their share values, after eBay and Microsoft acquired their partners.

Global IP Sound (GIPS) is located in Stockholm, but have mainly Norwegian owners. The company delivers voice technology for IP telephones, and among their most famous customers, you find big companies like Skype, MSN, Logitech, AOL, etc.

Their value has risen with 300 % this year. We in badluckflux wish all the best for the Norwegian owned company, even if they are located in Sweden.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Wireless internet #2

Hello friends!

Azulstars Networks (aka Ottawa Wireless) has proven that this is possible and hopefully it will push other internet-providers to start similar projects. Azulstars has build a WLAN that cover 250 square meeters around the city Rio Rancho in New Mexico, where the citizens can get internet-access (4Mb/s) and wireless IP-telephony for 40$ per month.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Wireless internet

Dear friends!

Hepp! Wireless internet rules! I have heard about a project in Norway that they will put up some big antennas that can cover the hole city (e.g Oslo) with wireless signals. If it is possible, it would be great! Imagine if you just pay a subsription for one year, for example 10 euro pr month, and you would be able to use the wireless internet connection anywhere in the city you live. (Maybe Åslaug Haga would be envious on behalf of the districts ;) )

You could bring your laptop to the park, to the coffee-shop or to the football-match, and always have the signal you need to communicate with the world. I am no expert on this field, so I guess there are some challenges they would have to overcome, for example will the speed be any good when thousands of people are sharing the signals? Any computer-experts here with any thoughts about this?

Anyway, the future is wireless!

Best regards
Arnt Kåre