Monday, December 19, 2005

The Norwegian Heros

We will now start a series with pictures and descriptions about Norwegian Heros, people that we are proud of, and that will give us a lot of publicity in the big world!

First, we want to start with one of the true Norwegian heros, the big drinker of the red soda. When he drinks this magic red soda, he gets really strong and really hansom - as you can look at the picture, and he can fight the trolls and the other monsters. He is a true, Norwegian Hero, and he lives in a big castle in the mountains.

Eric the Viking!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Contingency theory

Maybe you wounder about the concept of Contingency Theory. Well, gather around the fireplace, kids, and Ill tell you!

Contingency theory is a leadership theory developed by Fred Fiedler.

Leaderships effectiveness depends on both the leaders personality and the situation. Certain leaders are effective in one situation but not in others.

That means that there is no "best way of leading"

There are 3 devices to determine leader personality and the situation:
1. Least Prefferred Coworker (LPC) Scale
2. Situational Favorableness
3. Leaders-Situation Match and Mismatch

Best Regards
Arnt van Norway!