Thursday, September 29, 2005

Hype for Norwegian Skype technology

- The Norwegian company GIPS has multiplied their share values, after eBay and Microsoft acquired their partners.

Global IP Sound (GIPS) is located in Stockholm, but have mainly Norwegian owners. The company delivers voice technology for IP telephones, and among their most famous customers, you find big companies like Skype, MSN, Logitech, AOL, etc.

Their value has risen with 300 % this year. We in badluckflux wish all the best for the Norwegian owned company, even if they are located in Sweden.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Wireless internet #2

Hello friends!

Azulstars Networks (aka Ottawa Wireless) has proven that this is possible and hopefully it will push other internet-providers to start similar projects. Azulstars has build a WLAN that cover 250 square meeters around the city Rio Rancho in New Mexico, where the citizens can get internet-access (4Mb/s) and wireless IP-telephony for 40$ per month.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Wireless internet

Dear friends!

Hepp! Wireless internet rules! I have heard about a project in Norway that they will put up some big antennas that can cover the hole city (e.g Oslo) with wireless signals. If it is possible, it would be great! Imagine if you just pay a subsription for one year, for example 10 euro pr month, and you would be able to use the wireless internet connection anywhere in the city you live. (Maybe Åslaug Haga would be envious on behalf of the districts ;) )

You could bring your laptop to the park, to the coffee-shop or to the football-match, and always have the signal you need to communicate with the world. I am no expert on this field, so I guess there are some challenges they would have to overcome, for example will the speed be any good when thousands of people are sharing the signals? Any computer-experts here with any thoughts about this?

Anyway, the future is wireless!

Best regards
Arnt Kåre

Monday, September 19, 2005

Oil investment too low to reduce prices!

Today, we can in Financial Times read that "The Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries" and international oil companies these days are investing too little in production and refining to reduce record prices in the next five years and possibly beoynd. This will perhaps mean that the pil prices will keep growing, and at least stay at today's level.

The International Montary Fund warns about this and says: "Bawsed on current investment plans, production capacity is unlikely to grow enough to outpace future growth in consumption and create adequate spare capacity"

My first assumption is that is good news for the Norwegian economy. The oil fortune will keep on growing, and we will be a richer country. Many people says that "hey, we doesn't see anything of this oil money except in the high petrol prices!" Well, that is not exactly right. I dont remember when , where or who ;), but a German research claimed that we Norwegians have in average maybe 10 000 NOK more in yearly salary because of the oil money. If anyone remember this research, please tell me.

But still, the danger is that we becomes a nation of sluggards. Because when we dont have to be creative and innovative, it occurs much more rare. (Like Schumpeters theories).

But i have to run.
Go Norway!!

Saturday, September 17, 2005

A beautiful day in Maastricht

Yep, im just relaxing here in Maastricht, the beautiful city in Holland. Yep, my impression of the city is quite good. Many nice buildings, nice nature, nice people. Actually, when you go out on the street on the morning, people are friendly and they say "Hoi" to each other, that means "hello" or "good morning" in English. Pretty much like "Hei" in Norwegian.

And Im living with a Korean, quite a big challenge for me because of his Tae Kwon Do-skills. No, just kidding, actually he doesnt know taekwondo, quite a disappointment really. The picture is from a little "zoo" 300 meters from the library, where i spend most of my days studying. So when im tired, i just go out looking at the animals, and refill my batteries, then im ready for more reading. We also discovered a very nice place to play pool. Its about as good as the pool-place in Torggata in Oslo, many tables, both pool and snooker.

Well, c u later alig8or